B'Waves 2014
Worshop on Breaking Waves
The aim of this conference is to focus on various aspects of breaking waves including physics and modeling. The objective of the workshop is to foster discussions about the existing knowledge, including models and experimental techniques, to identify and overcome the limitations and allow a better description of this challenging physical phenomenon. We also aim at defining standards for benchmarking, which do not yet exist, to significantly improve the modeling and predictions of this phenomenon.
The outcomes we would like to achieve are:
- a state of the art of the existing knowledge on the physics of wave breaking (air entrainment and spray generation, turbulent structures, wind / wave and current / wave interactions, energy dissipation, flooding, erosion, coastal structures, etc.)
- propose validation standards for wave breaking models (which quantities and relevant processes have to be taken into account, how to detect breaking fronts, how to incorporate and calibrate the inherent energy dissipation)
- propose a database of validation benchmarks (choosing one as THE workshop benchmark, to be computed during the event with different models)
- build a web site giving all the necessary data/informations allowing to reproduce the benchmarks proposed
- create collaborations between researchers in view of recent European and extra-European calls.
Deadline for Inscription: July 1, 2014
The worshop will take place at INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest at www.inria.fr/en/centre/bordeaux
This meeting is sponsored by a grant of the Cluster of Excellence of the University of Bordeaux CPU. cpu.labex-univ-bordeaux.fr/en/